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Regulation of General Terms and Conditions of Use

Regulation of the general terms and conditions of participation


1. Object

1.1. This Regulation defines the general rules, as well as the terms and conditions, for participating in the courses, workshops, and other training activities (hereinafter, events) promoted by Associação Global Branches (hereinafter, Global Branches).

1.2. Global Branches, registered with the taxpayer identification number 516 037 960, is headquartered at Rua Ferreira de Castro, number 8, 1-B, 2855-238 Corroios, Portugal.

1.3. Global Branches aims at promoting and holding health events, with the main objective of accrediting, validating, and fostering the inclusion of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine into Health Sciences.

1.4. Participating in training services provided by Global Branches implies the full acceptance of and agreement with this Regulation by the participants.


2. Modalities of Training

2.1. Events promoted by Global Branches may take place face-to-face or through electronic platforms (online).

2.2. Face-to-face events shall take place at a location to be defined by Global Branches, which will be announced with the remaining event information.

2.3. Online events will be transmitted preferably via Zoom, notwithstanding the possibility of using other alternative teaching resources.

2.4. Event sessions will be held according to the information available on the event pages indexed to the Global Branches website.

2.5. The online events will be recorded for future selling as recording courses.


3. Communications and Contents

3.1. All communications sent by Global Branches to the physical and electronic addresses provided by the participants are intended solely and exclusively for the participants to whom they are addressed and cannot be copied, duplicated, reproduced, consulted, or made available to third parties.

3.2. The texts, images, sounds, materials, and other resources made available by Global Branches in the context of events (hereinafter, contents) are intended solely and exclusively for the participants and cannot be made available, provided, or used, in whole or in part, by third parties, namely for commercial, advertising, promotional, or training purposes.

3.3. The logo, name, and other data of Global Branches may only be used by the participants in work carried out within the events they attend.

3.4. The use of the data mentioned in the previous number in publications, courses, events, or any other context depends on the express authorization of Global Branches and requires the mention of the scope in which they were acquired and that authorization. Participants assume all the responsibility for the content of such material and disclosure thereof, thus exempting Global Branches of any liability that may arise therefrom.

3.5. Participants may not record, reproduce, disseminate, transmit, or register events, in whole or in part, by electronic means.

3.6. All contents made available by Global Branches are its property and that of partner entities or individuals expressly indicated in the event information.

3.7. Contents made available by instructors at the events, as well as their opinions and communications, are the sole responsibility of their authors and do not bind, hold liable, or represent Global Branches, namely in matters of copyright and intellectual property.

3.8. Global Branches reserves the right to record the events by electronic means for the purpose of training and dissemination within the scope of its mission.


4. Registration, Participation, Cancellation, and Withdrawal

4.1. Participants must fill in their personal data in the registration forms available on the Global Branches website and sign this Regulation to participate in the events.

4.2. Participants confirm that the personal data they provide constitute valid and true information by accepting this Regulation.

4.3. When events require entry requirements or conditions, such as level of qualification or experience, the participants must provide proof of fulfilment of such requirements or conditions whenever requested by Global Branches.

4.4. In the case of events with a maximum number of attendants, participants will be selected by order of arrival of their registration data.

4.5. Participants can cancel their registration or withdraw from participating in events after payment up to 5 working days before the event starts.

4.6. In the case of the previous number, Global Branches transfers the amounts paid by the same means with which they were made, charging an administrative fee of 10€ per event cancelled.

4.7. In case the event cannot be held in the terms announced, it is not possible to guarantee its full operation under the conditions or dates initially provided, it is cancelled, or the minimum number of participants is not reached, Global Branches freely and fully reimburses the amounts paid in a timely manner.

4.8. On recorded online courses, there are no refunds, neither cancelation refunds.


5. Payments

5.1. Attendance at events, except those marked as free, is dependent on full and timely payment.

5.2. After registering for an event and signing this Regulation, participants must make the payment using one of the means provided by Global Branches, namely by bank transfer, ATM, or MBWay.

5.3. Participants must indicate, in a complete and unequivocal way, the billing data for Global Branches to proceed with the discharge by issuing an invoice or receipt.

5.4. Within 24 hours after making the respective payment, participants may request changes to the billing data without any additional costs.

5.5 After the period mentioned in the previous number, requests to change the billing data are subject to the payment of an administrative processing fee of 10€.

5.6. Failure to pay in full the event registration fee by the date designated by Global Branches as deadline for payment prevents the participants from attending the event.

5.7. Participants are responsible for all fees, emoluments, and other amounts charged by banking and financial entities when making the payment for the events in which they register.

5.8. Participants are not refunded in case of withdrawal of participation or cancellation of registration after the event has commenced, or the recorded online course has been purchased.

5.9. If Global Branches finds, during the events, that the participants do not meet the entry requirements or conditions they claimed to meet or fulfil, their registration at the events may be cancelled and participants shall not be entitled to any refund or compensation.

5.10. Global Branches reserves the right to apply discounts, promotions, reductions, or phased or differentiated payment plans to the events it promotes.


6. Rights and Obligations of the Participants 

6.1. Participants have the right to:

a) Participate in the events and receive training with quality and in accordance with the objectives, programs, methodologies, and calendar established for the events.

b) Have access to the contents necessary and made available for attendance at the events in which they are registered, according to what is agreed between the parties.

c) Receive Certificates of Attendance at the end of each event.

d) Participate in the assessment of the events and the instructors, by filling out the respective questionnaires.

e) Report any anomalies, problems, or similar situations to Global Branches that, in their opinion, have affected the events and the training objectives.

6.2. Participants are responsible for:

a) Participating assiduously, punctually, and actively in the events in which they are registered.

b) Behaving in a courteous, polite, and respectful manner with the other participants, as well as with the instructors and collaborators of Global Branches. Participants should refrain from disturbing the normal course of events and discussions held in forums and working groups.

b) Complying with the objectives and tasks of the events and take the assessment tests to which they may be subject.

c) Refraining from any acts that may result in damage or discredit to Global Branches and its partners.

d) Providing correct and updated information, namely regarding their personal data.


7. Rules of Conduct

7.1. Global Branches reserves the right to edit or remove any messages posted in the discussion forums or other interaction tools that may negatively affect the normal functioning of events, or that are offensive or beyond the contents of the events.

7.2. Notwithstanding the previous article, participants cannot:

a) Post in the discussion forums or other interaction tools any complaints or unsolicited commercial messages, or any messages unrelated to the themes of the events, of a personal nature, or that disturb the pedagogical activities and the good training environment.

b) Collect, disclose, or use in any way personal information of other participants, instructors, or collaborators of Global Branches without prior express authorization from those concerned and Global Branches.

c) Create false identities, impersonate other people, or try to deceive other participants, instructors, or collaborators of Global Branches.

d) Use abusive, offensive, or inappropriate language towards other participants, instructors, or collaborators of Global Branches.

e) Transmit, make available, provide, or disseminate any contents protected by copyright, patents, or any other form of intellectual property protection without due legal authorization.

f) Impair, disturb, or hinder, in any way, the events or the means and contents used in the events.

7.3 Notwithstanding other forms of liability that may be attributed, the registration of the participants at the events may be cancelled if they repeatedly or seriously violate the rules of conduct set forth in this article or other rules contained in this Regulation. In those cases, they shall not be entitled to any refund or compensation.


8. Certificates of Attendance and Absences

8.1. Live Events:

8.1.1. At the end of events, a Certificate of Attendance will be issued to participants who have attended the minimum number of mandatory sessions defined for each event and who have fulfilled the other obligations assigned to them.

8.1.2. Unless otherwise specified, the minimum number of mandatory sessions corresponds to about 80% of the total number of teaching load of the events.

8.1.3. Participants must justify their absences. Absences shall be considered unjustified if the participants do not present sufficient proof of the reason for their absence or when the participants arrive at the sessions with a delay of more than half the time allocated to the sessions without any document justifying such delay.

8.1.4. Certificates of Attendance will be issued and sent, free of charge and digitally, to the emails of the participants.

8.1.5. Participants may request that Certificates of Attendance be sent in hard copy by registered mail if they pay in advance the inherent costs.

8.1.6. Participants may request that Certificates of Attendance be issued in a foreign language if they pay in advance the certified translation fee presented by Global Branches.

8.1.7. Any errors or inaccuracies in the data contained in the Certificates of Attendance attributable to Global Branches must be communicated within 10 working days after reception and Global Branches will issue a corrected duplicate free of charge and in a timely manner.

8.1.8. Any errors or inaccuracies in the data contained in the Certificates of Attendance attributable to the participants must be communicated within 10 working days after reception and Global Branches will issue a corrected duplicate, subject to the payment of an administrative processing fee of 5€, plus shipping costs if applicable.

8.1.9. The payment of the fee referred to in the previous number is also due if the error is communicated beyond 10 working days after reception of the Certificates of Attendance.

8.1.10. The issue of new copies of Certificates of Attendance outside the cases referred to in the previous numbers, when not attributable to Global Branches, entails the payment of an administrative processing fee of 5€ per copy.

8.1.11. Global Branches is not responsible for damages to Certificates of Attendance resulting from incorrect postal handling and the costs of reshipping will be borne by the participants, regardless of the cause that gave rise to the reshipping, unless it is attributable to Global Branches.

8.2. On-Demand Recorded courses

8.2.1 There will be no Certificate of Attendance issued to the participants.


9. Protection of Personal Data

9.1. The personal data provided by the participants or communicated to Global Branches are protected by the legislation in force and serve only the purposes of identifying the participants, managing their profiles in the context of the events in which they enrol, and allowing communication between the parties, namely for the issuing of Certificates of Attendance.

9.2. The personal data of the participants required in the registration forms are essential for the execution of contracts for the provision of services. They are kept during the events by Global Branches under the legislation in force.

9.3. The personal data of the participants shall be kept and properly protected by Global Branches after the events, namely for advertising and institutional marketing purposes, unless the participants do not give their consent for the treatment of such data and only when they can be eliminated in strict compliance with the legal obligations applicable to Global Branches.

9.4. The processing of data is the responsibility of Global Branches, which guarantees the confidentiality and security of all information provided by the participants, namely by destining it exclusively for the purposes of training and administrative procedures regarding payments, issuing and sending invoices and receipts, and for certification and registration purposes.

9.5. Notwithstanding the previous number, participants may request, at any time, to Global Branches, through written and express request, to consult, amend, update, rectify, or delete their personal data.

9.6. Global Branches will comply in a timely manner with the requests of the participants under this article in strict compliance and within the limits of its legal obligations.



10. Final Provisions

10.1. This Regulation, as well as any interpretation or dispute relating thereto, shall be regulated by Portuguese law.

10.2. The judicial courts of Lisbon shall have jurisdiction for the resolution of disputes.

10.3. Any omission of this Regulation is to be interpreted, under the terms of the applicable legislation, by Global Branches.

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